Drawing Conversations 5:
What and Where Is Home?

This one-day online international conference seeks to examine the interrelationships of drawing and concepts of home. We aim to bring together artists who use traditional and expanded forms of drawing practices to consider pressing and pertinent issues of our time which centre upon narratives and experiences of belonging.

Event details

  • 15 March 2024 - 15 March 2024

    09:30-17:30 (UK Time)


Drawing Conversations 5

Conveners: Greig Burgoyne (University for the Creative Arts, Farnham) and Jill Journeaux (Coventry University, Coventry)

This one-day online international conference seeks to examine the interrelationships of drawing and concepts of home. We aim to bring together artists who use traditional and expanded forms of drawing practices to consider pressing and pertinent issues of our time which centre upon narratives and experiences of belonging. We seek to address how drawing research can intervene into, express, narrate and expound human experiences of belonging, community, migration, displacement and refugeeism, and how drawings can reveal the complexities of home as a psychological, physical, familial, or territorial place.

Drawing Conversations

Drawing Conversations symposia, exhibitions and publications are led by Jill Journeaux. The initial event Drawing Conversations: Collective and Collaborative Drawing held at Coventry University in 2015, was accompanied by the exhibition Drawn Conversations and resulted in the book Collective and Collaborative Drawing in Contemporary Practice, edited by Helen Gorrill and Jill Journeaux. Following the second symposium in 2017 at Coventry University, Drawing Conversations 2: Body, Space, Place, editors Jill Journeaux, Sara Reed and Helen Gorrill was published in 2020. “You and I are Discontinuous Beings”, an exhibition held at Birmingham City University in May 2018, featured new work by the contributors to the first book, and the catalogue included the essay “Drawing as if Dancing Together” by Victoria Mitchell. The Drawing Conversations 3: Drawing Talking to the Sciences symposium convened by Gerry Davies and Sarah Casey was held at The Ruskin, Lancaster University in January 2020 and was accompanied by the exhibition Drawn to Investigate. Drawing Conversations 4: Engaging with sites of History and Narrative took place online in September 2002, was co-convened by Simon Woolham and Jill Journeaux and hosted and supported by Huddersfield University.

See drawingconversations.org for more information.


Greig Burgoyne and Jill Journeaux

Home and the Imagination – Chair: Greig Burgoyne

Garry Barker, Porto University, Portugal
Home is a Belief

Laura Donkers, Independent Artist/Researcher, Auckland, New Zealand
The Hokianga Community Drawing Project 

Susanna Crossman, Writer, Clinical Arts-Therapist, Independent Researcher, France
Imagine a House – Imagine a Home

Isabel Young, Royal College of Art London
The Household Gods: (Drawing as a Ritual Offering)


Home and Memory – Chair: Jill Journeaux

George Saxon, Independent Artist, Birmingham, UK

Sofya Markova, Bergen Arkitekthøgskole, Norway
Circumcirco Lene: Observations, Stories and Architectures in/of Displacement

Rebecca Elves, Independent Artist, Kent, UK
The House Was Like Her: Rebuilding the Post-Traumatic Home Through Expanded Drawing Practices


Lunch Break

Keynote by Anna Lovat, Associate Professor Art History, Meadows School of the Arts, SMU, Dallas, Texas
“Hatred Begins at Home: Thinking Domesticity with the Blk Art Group.”

The Place of Home – Chair: Greig Burgoyne

Jenny Walden, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK
Sketch for a Theory of drawing as an ‘unbinding’ of definitions of space, place, or ‘home’

Pete Codling, Independent Artist, Portsmouth, UK
Wherever I Iay my Hat

Belinda Mitchell, University of Portsmouth, , Portsmouth, UK
Cultivating home: Drawing interiors

Jane Reid, Independent Researcher, Newark, UK
The Kitchen Drawer: Explorative encounters with the kitchen and its contents 


Constructing Home – Chair: Jill Journeaux

Paul Vivian, University of Salford, Salford, Manchester, UK
Hegel’s Dialectic of Determinism in the Neolithic Sonorous

Martha Orbach, Independent Artist, Glasgow, Scotland
To Build A Home

Kathryn Ricketts and Nicola Visser, University of Regina Canada / Independent Researcher, Aarhus, Denmark
Kinaesthetic/cartographic memoirs – a fertile performative ground reflecting on our dis/re locations and environments

Joana Maria Pereira, Independent Researcher
Women who are at odds with home: drawing research, feminism and ‘world’ – travelling


Greig Burgoyne and Jill Journeaux
Concluding comments